דעלי ניוז: אינגערמאן בא'גנב'ט בארון הערצאג וויין פירמע

היימיש, לאקאל, און איבער דער וועלט
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 298
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מאנטאג אפריל 29, 2013 4:17 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 49 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 178 מאל

דעלי ניוז: אינגערמאן בא'גנב'ט בארון הערצאג וויין פירמע

שליחה דורך שלשלת »

פאלגענד אין א ארטיקל פון די דעילי ניוז:

Extort plot in Orthodox Jewish community KOd – it wasn’t kosher
Herzog family lawyer uncovers fellow lawyer's $35K scam

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bro ... z2TXuPCNKI
A Brooklyn lawyer brought down an amateurish extortion plot last week, shining a light on a scam that pervades the Orthodox Jewish community, the Daily News has learned.
The saga involves a member of the Herzog clan — the largest kosher-wine makers in the world — who was routinely giving out checks to solicitors collecting donations for yeshivas or charities.
The checks would typically be deposited in the U.S. and the cash taken to Israel, records show. If an organization isn’t legit — or if other parties receive a cut of the money — the practice is illegal, according to a senior law enforcement source.
“It smells, it just smells,” he said.
When suspicions arose over shady spongers about a year ago, the Herzogs’ account was closed, sources said, resulting in inquiries from those left with bad checks
The family then hired Elimelech Horowitz, a Satmar Hasid from Williamsburg, to settle those claims.
On May 3, Horowitz, 31, said he’d been kidnapped and then released by masked men who demanded $35,000. Then a stranger left an ominous voice message warning the Herzogs to pony up that amount or else.
“I know where you live, I know where you work, I know where your family lives,” a man said in the recording.
The shaken family contacted private investigator Joe Levin, who provided armed security and referred the Herzogs to George Farkas, who has represented several ultra-Orthodox Jews, including Nechemya Weberman, who was convicted of sex abuse last year.
Farkas said he immediately sensed the abduction story was a sham.
The first clue, he said, was that the message demanded some money before “Shabba,” mispronouncing the Jewish day of rest, even though the recipients of the Herzog money were Jewish.
The lawyer summoned Horowitz to his office — and after 20 minutes, Horowitz cracked, Farkas said. He said a blessing — and started to sing, Farkas recalled.
There was no kidnapping, the Hasid admitted. Horowitz pocketed the thousands he received to settle the claims. The Herzogs were never in danger.
“He hired some schmuck on the corner to make the threats,” Farkas said.
After Horowitz promised to pay everything back, the Herzogs opted not to press charges.
“We are saddened that we were victimized for no other reason than our charitable generosity,” the family said in statement.
The Herzogs may not be the only scam victims. A source described solicitors from Israel who hire drivers to approach wealthy Jews with sob stories. The driver and a yeshiva or charity that cashes the check get a cut, and the remaining dough is sent back to Israel.
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באניצער אוואטאר
חבר ותיק
חבר ותיק
הודעות: 3158
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג פעברואר 28, 2012 9:27 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 2648 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 893 מאל

שליחה דורך ידען »

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