מאסיווע FBI איבערפאל אויף מאנסי ישיבה "שערי תורה"

היימיש, לאקאל, און איבער דער וועלט
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

V. : Mag. No. 13-2550 (DEA)
FNU LNU ai’kia Yaakov’
I. Bruce D, Karnerman, being duly sworn, state the following is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief:
I further state that I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
and that this Complaint is based on the following facts:
continued on the attached pages and made a part hereof
Bruce D. Kamerman, Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,
October 7, 2013 at Trenton. New Jersey
Date City and State
Honorable Douglas F. Arpert 4 A A
United States Magistrate Judge ‘‘2t YI’ ‘(
Name and Title of Judicial Officer Signature of dLal Officer
Case 3:13-mj-02550-DEA Document 1 Filed 10/07/13 Page 1 of 11 PageID: 12
From on or about April 7, 2013, to in or about October 2013, in Ocean County. in the
District ofNew Jersey. and elsewhere. Defendants
FNU LNU aIkia “Yaakov”
conspired and agreed. together and with others known and unknown to knowingly and
unlawfully seize, confine, inveigle, decoy, kidnap, abduct, and hold a person for ransom, reward
and otherwise. that is, to threaten and coerce him to consent to a divorce, and traveled in
interstate commerce and used means. facilities and instrumentalities of interstate and foreign
commerce in furtherance of the commission of the offense,
In furtherance of the conspiracy, and to accomplish its object, Defendants committed the
following overt acts, among others:
1. On or about August 7, 2013, Defendants MARTIN WOLMARK and MENDEL
EPSTEIN participated in a telephone conference call, the purpose of which was to
discuss the possibility of authorizing the use of violence to obtain a forced
2. On or about August 14, 2013, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN met with
undercover FBI agents in Ocean County, New Jersey and discussed kidnapping
the purported husband of one of the undercover FBI agents.
3. On or about September 25, 2013, Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN and FNU
LNU, alkla ‘Yaakov.” drove to a location in Middlesex County, New Jersey to
determine whether it was a suitable location for the kidnapping.
4. On or about October 2, 2013, Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN, MARTIN
WOLMARK. ARIEL POTASH and FNU LNU, a/k/a “Yaakov,” met in Rockland
County, New York to authorize the use of violence to obtain a forced divorce,
In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1201(c).
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I. Bruce D. Kamerman, am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of
investigation (“FBI”). I have knowledge of the facts set forth below as a result of my
participation in this investigation as well as from my review of reports from, and discussions with.
other law enforcement personnel. Where statements of others are related herein, they are related
in substance and part. Because this complaint is being submitted for a limited purpose, I have not
set forth each and every fact that I know concerning this investigation. Where I assert that an
event took place on a particular date, I am asserting that it took place on or about the date alleged.
Background of the Investigation
1. According to Jewish law, in order to effect a divorce, a husband must provide his
wife with a document known as a ‘get.” Although a divorce may only be initiated by the husband
issuing a get. the wife has the right to sue for divorce in a rabbinical court, known as a “beth din,
which may order the husband to issue the get. If the husband refuses the court’s demand, he may
be subjected to various penalties in order to pressure him into consenting to the divorce, i.e., giving
the get. A woman whose husband will not consent to a divorce is known as an agunah”
(agunot” in plural).
2. Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN and MARTIN WOLMARK are Jewish Rabbis
who charge agunor and their families thousands of dollars to obtain gets from recalcitrant
husbands by means of violence.
3. Defendants ARIEL POTASH and FNU LNU afkIa “Yaakov” are Orthodox Jewish
men who assist Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN and MARTIN WOLMARK in obtaining gets
from recalcitrant husbands by means of violence.
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4. Essentially the Defendants’ organization operated as follows. The family of an
agunah made contact with the Defendants. The agunah ‘s family then made payment to the
Defendants, after which the Defendants convened a beth din, which issued a contempt order,
known as a ‘seruv,” against the husband. If the husband failed to respond, the beth din issued a
ruling, known as a “psak din,” authorizing the use of coercion and/or violence to obtain the get.
The Defendants then arranged to kidnap the recalcitrant husband and assault him until he
consented to the divorce, , until he “gave the get.”
5. In a recorded conversation on August 14, 2013, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEiN
admitted to planning, approving and committing numerous kidnappings and coerced gets.
Specifically, Defendant EPSTEIN claimed that his organization kidnaped one recalcitrant husband
approximately every year or year and a half.
The Undercover Operation
6. An undercover FBI Special Agent (“UCE-l”) posed as an Orthodox Jewish wife
whose husband was unwilling to consent to a divorce. A second undercover FBI Special Agent
(‘UCE-2”) posed as the brother of UCE-l, who was willing to pay for a kidnapping in order to
coerce UCE-1 ‘s recalcitrant husband into consenting to a divorce. (Hereinafter, UCE-l ‘s
purported husband will be referred to as “the Husband”).
7. On August 7, 2013, LICE-i and UCE-2 (collectively. “the UCEs”) made a
telephone call to Defendant MARTFN WOLMARK. During the call, which was recorded by the
UCEs, the UCEs presented their case that they were desperate for a religious divorce and were
willing to pay a large sum of mone to obtain the divorce. WOLMARK talked about the
mechanism for coercing a divorce and stated that it would be costly.
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8. Specifically. WOLMARK stated:
Now, the question is, under certain conditions the person can be coerced to give the get.
Now, there are a couple of ways to do that. To get that situation created that he can be
coerced on the get, it’s a. it’s a. it’s a process. It could happen but it’s a (UI) process. Ya
know. it means getting the paperwork done. You have to. we have to, convene a special
beth din and see if there are grounds to, to, to coerce him on the get.
That’s step number one. Step number two is then going ahead and getting it done. Now,
each process, if it’s done, I mean, could be very costly, ya know, It doesn’t have to, ya
know. It depends. It’s, it’s, in other words, you need special Rabbis who are going to
take this thing and see it through to the end. Urn, that, that, that, that’s probably the most
effective way. Ya know, there’s another way. Getting a guy like Mendel Epstein who’s
a, ya know like a hired hand or so. Who’ll go and maybe make a. va know. If he doesn’t
have him around here, he’s not gonna be effective. In other words, you need to get him to
New York where someone either can harass him or nail him. Plain and simple.
9. Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK then connected Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN
into the conference call. At the conclusion of that call, Defendant EPSTEIN told the UCEs to call
him an hour later on his home telephone to discuss the details, Defendant EPSTEIN then told
Defendant WOLMARK to stay on the line.
10. Approximately one hour later, UCE-1 and UCE-2 called Defendant MENDEL
EPSTEIN as directed. During that call, they arranged to meet with Defendant EPSTEIN at his
house in Ocean County, New Jersey, on August 14, 2013, because, in Defendant EPSTEIN’s
words: “I don’t think this is a phone conversation, am I correct?”
11. On August 14, 2013. the UCEs met with Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN at his
residence in Ocean Count, New Jersey. The meeting was consensually video and audio
recorded by the UCEs.
12. During the course of the meeting, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN spoke about
kidnapping, beating and torturing husbands in order to force a divorce. Indeed, he specifically
Sup. suppose we. ya know this is an expensive thing to do. It’s not simply; we’re talking,
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uh, I don’t want to use the, the (UI) terms but, basically what we are going to be doing is
kidnapping a guy for a couple of hours and beating him up and torturing him and then
getting him to give the get.
13. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN talked about forcing compliance through the use of
“tough guys” who utilize electric cattle prods. karate. handculYs and place plastic bags over the
heads of the husbands. at one point telling UCE-2:
Defendant EPSTEIN: Wait, wait, wait a minute, Wait a second here. I guarantee you that
if you’re in the van, you’d give a get to your wife. You probably love your wife, hut you’d
give a get when they finish with you. So, and it’s, hopefully, there won’t even be a mark on
UCE-2: You can leave a mark. (Chuckle).
Defendant EPSTEIN: No, no, no, no, we
UCE-2: I know. I understand what you’re saying.
Defendant EPSTEIN: We prefer not to leave a mark .
.Right. Because then when they do
go to the police, the police look at the guy
UCE-2: Yeah, what’s wrong
Defendant EPSTEIN: You look the same. You know, ah, what’s so terrible. They did this
to give a get. How long didn’t you give a get. Ah, two years, yeah. I mean, I, I’ve traveled,
I’ve been in South America too ...And basically the reaction of the police is, if the guy does
not have a mark on him ... Then uh, is there some Jewish crazy affair here, they don’t get
* * *
Defendant EPSTEIN: We take an electric cattle prod.
UCE-l: Electric cattle prod, okay.
Defendant EPSTEIN: If it can get a bull that weighs five tons to move
You put it in certain parts of his body and in one minute the guy will know.
14. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN admitted to committing approximately one
kidnapping every year to year and a half. “One a year. Year and a half. So that way7the police
jurisdictions... They’re all linked together now and everything. It’s not so simple, but, but uh ...“
15. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN stated that the kidnapping would cost $10,000 to
pay for the rabbis on the rabbinical court to approve the kidnapping and an additional $50,000 to
$60,000 to pay for the “tough guys” who would conduct the beating and obtain the forced get.
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Defendant EPSTEIN stated that Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK officiates during the
kidnapping and ibrced get and that Defendant EPSTEIN’s son is one of the ‘tough guys” who uses
his karate skills on the victims to facilitate the divorces.
16. During the meeting the UCEs explained that the Husband lived in South America.
and had a residence in Florida, The UCEs said that UCE-2 and the Husband were longstanding
business partners, doing real estate deals together. UCE-2 said that he had introduced UCE-1 and
the Husband. According to UCE-2, he and the Husband were still business partners, but once the
marriage between LICE-i and the Husband deteriorated (which UCE-i claimed was largely
because of financial issues and the fact that the Husband decided that he did not want children). the
business relationship between UCE-2 and the Husband had deteriorated as well. According to
UCE-2, the Husband claimed that UCE-2 owed him money from past business deals, and the
Husband would not give UCE-1 aget unless LJCE-2 paid the Husband. UCE-2 said he could lure
the Husband from South America to a location in New Jersey under the pretext of a business deal.
17. In a series of subsequent telephone conversations, UCE- 1 arranged with Defendant
MENDEL EPSTEIN and Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK to have a beth din convene in
Rockland County, New York on October 2, 2013. The purpose of this beth din is to issue apsak
din authorizing the use of violence to obtain a forced get.
18. UCE-2 has also had subsequent telephone conversations and e-mail exchanges with
Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN regarding where and how the proposed forced get was to take
place. In these conversations, UCE-2 suggested that he could lure the Husband to New Jersey
during the week of October 7, 2013.
19. Specifically, on September 25, 2013, UCE-2 called Defendant MENDEL
EPSTEIN and proposed that a warehouse in Middlesex County, New Jersey (the “Warehouse”)
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could be used for obtaining the forced get. In response. Defendant EPSTEIN indicated that he
wanted to have his people investigate the proposed site beforehand. to ensure its feasibility.
Defendant EPSTEIN then said he needed money to have people investigate the Warehouse (which
would, in his words, ‘commit them”). In response, UCE-2 told him that he would wire $20,000 to
Defendant EPSTEIN afier the psak din was issued on October 2, 2013.
20. In that call. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and UCE-2 discussed whether it would
be preferable to conduct the beating of UC-I inside the Warehouse or in a van in the parking lot.
Defendant EPSTEIN said they did not necessarily need to go inside because “they don’t need him
for long, believe me. They’ll have him in the van, hooded, and it will happen.”
21. In that call, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and UCE-2 discussed getting the
Husband to and from the Warehouse, UCE-2 said that he would drive the Husband there.
MENDEL EPSTEIN then asked how the Husband was going to get home. MENDEL EPSTEIN
told UCE-2 he prefelTed that UCE-2 bring the Husband home so there would be “no police
22. On September 29, 2012, FBI surveillance teams observed Defendant MENI)EL
EPSTEIN and Defendant FNU LNU, alkla “Yaakov,’ drive to the Warehouse. Defendant
EPSTEIN then got out of the vehicle and appeared to take a picture of the Warehouse with his cell
phone before driving away. Soon thereafter, Defendant EPSTEIN sent an e-mail to UCE-2
stating: “We were at the site on blue heron its excellent police station two blocks away ask if they
patrol or of they have private security did not seem that way surveillance cameras?? Really out of
the way great,” (Lack of punctuation in original).
23. The next day. September 30, 2013, UCE-2 called Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN,
and confirmed that there would be no security patrols. Defendant EPSTEIN said the building was
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“better than good” and that his people would prefer to be inside the Warehouse when they obtained
the forced get. UCE-2 and Defendant EPSTEIN then solidified their plan for the kidnapping and
coerced get: UCE-2 would unlock the Warehouse in the evening on October 9. 2013. and allow
the Targets inside. The Targets would then prepare inside the Warehouse, and UCE-2 would pick
up the Husband, UCE-2 would then return to the Warehouse a short time later with the Husband.
24. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN then confirmed that UCE-2 was going to wire
$20,000 after the psak din was issued on October 2, 2013. Defendant EPSTEIN then instructed
UCE-2 to bring a check for $30,000 with him to the Warehouse on October 9, 2013, and give that
check to the “so/er (meaning the scribe), because his guys “need to be paid within twenty-four
25. On October 2, 2013, UCE-1 traveled to Rockland County, New York for the beth
din. There she met Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN, MARTIN WOLMARK and FNU LNU.
alk/a “Yaakov.” UCE-1 was then escorted into a back office to begin the beth din. When UCE-1
asked Defendant FNU LNU who he was, Defendant FNU LNU refused to answer UCE-1 ‘s
questions about his identity, explaining that it was better “the less information you know about
26. During the beth din, Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK asked UCE-l to explain
her situation. Specifically, he asked: ‘Wh do you have to be released from this marriage, even
if your husband has to be coerced?” UCE-1 explained her situation and why she is desperate for a
divorce from her husband, who refuses to give her a get. Defendant EPSTEIN directed
Defendant FNU LNU to write down everything for the psak din.
27. About one hour into the beth din. Defendant ARIEL POTASH arrived to serve as
the “shliach,” that is, the person appointed to serve as UCE-1 ‘s agent to accept the get from the
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husband, since UCE..l will not be present for the forced get. When asked by liCE-i about his
role, Defendant POTASH explained that he does ‘whatever the rabbis tell him,” Defendant
POTASH further explained to UCE-l that there is no need for UCE-1 to know who he is, saying:
‘I’ll make it even more clear - if you see me, two months ... down the street. von don’t know me,
I don’t know you.” Two additional young males then arrived to witness the appointment of
Defendant POTASH as the shliach. Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK instructed both witnesses
to sign a document, omitting their last names, attesting to the appointment of the shliach.
28. At the end of the beth din, Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK asked UCE- 1 about
“the plan” for the forced get. and whether UCE- 1 knew the location and the timing. Defendant
MENDEL EPSTEIN confirmed the plan for the forced get was good, stating, “it’s at night, and it’s
a weird place, it’s very good ... hopefully the patrol will not be out on patrol that night.”
Defendant EPSTEIN also told UCE-l that during the forced gel, “you should be out in public”
among a lot of people.
29. After the psak din was issued on October 2, 2013, UCE-2 transmitted $20,000 to
MENDEL EPSTIEN by wire transfer.
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search warrant to be served at the time the search is executed.
Subscribed and sworn to me
This day of October, 2013
United Sai lagistrate Judge
Bruce Kamerman. S1
Federal Bureau of Investigation
ial Agent
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ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

2 [left]rabbis, 8 others jailed in NJ, NY divorce sting
GEOFF MULVIHIL, Associated Press
By GEOFF MULVIHILL, Associated Press
Updated 6:15 pm, Thursday, October 10, 2013[/left]

[left]An FBI agent stands guard as evidence sits in the trunk of a vehicle at the Brooklyn residence of Rabbi Mendel Epstein during an investigation, early Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013, in New York. Several defendants, including Epstein and another rabbi, were arrested in an overnight sting in New York and New Jersey and accused by the FBI of plotting to kidnap and beat a man to force him to grant a religious divorce. Photo: John Minchillo, AP[/left

[left]TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Two orthodox rabbis and eight other men were arrested in an FBI sting in New Jersey and New York on charges they plotted to kidnap and torture a man to force him to grant a religious divorce.

Rabbis Mendel Epstein and Martin Wolmark charged Jewish women and their families thousands of dollars to obtain religious divorces, known as "gets," from unwilling husbands, the FBI said.

"They didn't do it out of religious conviction," Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Gribko told a judge Thursday in a federal court hearing for the men. "They did it for money."

Marc Agnifilo, a lawyer for Wolmark, said it's possibly a case where religious law collides with federal statutes, where the crimes they're accused of can be punished by life in prison.

"It's a very complex case. The government says it's all about money, but I don't think that's quite right," Agnifilo said after the hearing, calling coercion and even violence to get husbands to grant religious divorces "an old tradition."

The rabbis and the 10 other men were arrested as a result of an undercover operation that began in August when two FBI agents, one posing as a woman trying to get a divorce, contacted the rabbis. According to an FBI complaint, Epstein spoke about forcing compliance through "tough guys" who use electric cattle prods and even place plastic bags over the heads of husbands.

The FBI said the price was more than $50,000 and a prosecutor said at Thursday's hearing that the organization involved in the alleged plot had been involved in up to 20 kidnappings over the years.

No pleas were entered Thursday and lawyers for some of the defendants sought to minimize their clients' roles in an effort to get them freed on bail or put on home confinement.

Magistrate Douglas Arpert ordered all 10 held in federal custody at least until hearings next week.

The investigation took place in Ocean and Middlesex counties in New Jersey and Rockland County in New York, and ended with arrests overnight Wednesday.

Four of the rabbis' associates were described as enforcers, or "tough guys," as Epstein called the men who helped coerce reluctant husbands.

The undercover agents, including a man posing as the woman's brother, met with Epstein at his Ocean County home in August, during which the rabbi spoke about "kidnapping, beating and torturing husbands in order to force a divorce," the complaint said.

"Basically what we are going to be doing is kidnapping a guy for a couple of hours and beating him up and torturing him and then getting him to give the get," Epstein is quoted as saying during the conversation, which was videotaped.

Epstein is also quoted saying he wanted to use a cattle prod to torture the reluctant husband.

"If it can get a bull that weighs 5 tons to move ... you put it in certain parts of his body and in one minute, the guy will know," he said, according to the complaint.

He said that his group did a kidnapping every year to year-and-a-half, and that the cost is $10,000 for a rabbinical court to approve the action and $50,000 to $60,000 for the enforcers.

The undercover agents wired him a $20,000 down payment, the complaint said.

Under Jewish law, if a husband refuses to grant his wife a "get," she has the right to sue in rabbinical court. The complaint said that a rabbinical court was held in Rockland County on Oct. 2 as part of the sting, during which the use of violence was authorized.

Associated Press writer Tom Hays in New York contributed to this report.[/left]
אין לך את ההרשאות המתאימות על מנת לצפות בקבצים המצורפים להודעה זאת.
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

אין לך את ההרשאות המתאימות על מנת לצפות בקבצים המצורפים להודעה זאת.
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

More arrests will follow “like dominoes,” the source said.

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

[left]FBI: Orthodox rabbi in Lakewood hired 'tough guys' to force religious divorces
Authorities: Suspects OK'd cattle prods, karate to force marital splits

LAKEWOOD — Two Lakewood residents — Mendel Epstein and Binyamin Stimler — were among 10 men arraigned Thursday after they were caught in an FBI sting and charged with planning to kidnap and torture Orthodox Jewish husbands to force them to grant their wives a religious divorce, authorities said.

A law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said the arrests were the direct result of a 2011 case in which a Lakewood couple, David and Judy Wax, were accused of kidnapping an Israeli national in an attempt to force him to divorce his estranged wife in Israel. More arrests will follow “like dominoes,” the source said.

The Wax case has been stalled in federal court for the past two years.

Two of those charged are rabbis – Epstein, who also lives in Brooklyn, and Mordechai “Martin” Wolmark of Monsey, N.Y. All 10 were arraigned in federal court in Trenton Thursday afternoon, where a judge ordered them all held without bail pending hearings next week, at a date to be determined.

Watch the videos above to hear a documentary filmmaker talk about Epstein, see scenes from an FBI raid at a yeshiva in New York and see a film clip featuring Epstein.
Threats and torture

The men used intimidation, threats and physical torture — including an electric cattle prod — to convince reluctant Orthodox Jewish husbands to grant religious divorces to their wives, authorities said.

“It was not about religion,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney R. Joseph Gribko, who estimated the group previously conducted 24 kidnappings to achieve forced divorces. “Frankly, even if it was about religion, you shouldn’t be able to torture people to get them to do things.”

According to Jewish law, in order to grant a divorce, a husband has to provide his wife with a document called a “get.” However, a wife can also sue for divorce in a rabbinical court, called “beth din,” which orders the husband to issue the get, the complaint said.[/left]

באניצער אוואטאר
היימישער ליטוואק
הודעות: 1658
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דאנערשטאג דעצעמבער 20, 2012 5:26 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 1449 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 1074 מאל

שליחה דורך היימישער ליטוואק »

אהבת ישראל פון חב"ד דא
"אי השימוש בשכל הישר, הוא מקור כל הטומאה, שורש כל הרשעה שבעולם כולו"
באניצער אוואטאר
סאשי פיש
חבר ותיק
חבר ותיק
הודעות: 2776
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג אפריל 30, 2013 8:24 pm
געפינט זיך: אינמיטען עסן
האט שוין געלייקט: 3022 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 2287 מאל

שליחה דורך סאשי פיש »

איך גיי געבן א שטיקעל אפדעיט אויף די פרשה.

פאריגע וואך פרייטאג האט מען ארויסגעלאזט די 6 ארעסטירטע אויף בעיל,
מרדכי וואלמארק איז ארויס אויף 5 מיליאן דאלער + הויז ארעסט!!
מענדל עפשטיין אויף א מיליאן,
די אנדערע שלעגערס זענען ארויס אויף קלענערע סכומים פון העכער 100,000,

די עף בי איי זאגט אז ביזדערוויייל איז שוין אריינגעקומעם 20 קלאגעס פון מענטשן וואס די חברה האבען ארויסגעצווינגען א גט פון זיי,

איין מעשה איז באקאנט מיט דעם נאמען איינער רובין האט מען אין 1997 ארויסגעצווינגען א גט פון אים, ער דערציילט וואספארא מכות ער האט געכאפט, ווי אויך האט מען אים 30 מאל געשאקט אויף די גאנצע קערפער און בעיקר אויף די ביצים. עס איז נישט משיג צו זיין וואס זיי פלעגען טוען צו מענטשן, און נאכדעם האבען זיי אים איבערגעלאזט אין א בית הקברות האלב נאקעט און צובלוטיגט!!
ער איז געגאנגען דאן אין קאורט אבער ער האט פארלוירען ווייל ער האט נישט געהאט גענוג פרוף, וויבאלד די שלעגערס זענען געגאנגען מיט מאסקעס.

[left]געברענגט געווארען צו אייך דורך סאשי פיש לאקעל.[/left]
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

[center]DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY[/center]

Hon. Douglas E. Arpert
Mag. No. 13-2550 (DEA)



FNU LNU a/k/a “Yaakov”[/left]
[left]I. Bruce D, Karnerman, being duly sworn, state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief:[/left]

SEE ATTACHMENT A[center][/center][left]I further state that I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and that this Complaint is based on the following facts:[/left]

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,
[left]October 7, 2013 at Trenton. New Jersey
Date[/left] City and State

[left]Honorable Douglas F. Arpert
United States Magistrate Judge
Name and Title of Judicial Officer Signature of Judicial Officer[/left]

[center]ATTACHMENT A[/center]
[left]From on or about April 7, 2013, to in or about October 2013, in Ocean County. in the
District ofNew Jersey. and elsewhere. Defendants[/left]

FNU LNU a/k/a “Yaakov”[/center]

[left]conspired and agreed. together and with others known and unknown to knowingly and unlawfully seize, confine, inveigle, decoy, kidnap, abduct, and hold a person for ransom, reward and otherwise. that is, to threaten and coerce him to consent to a divorce, and traveled in interstate commerce and used means. facilities and instrumentalities of interstate and foreign commerce in furtherance of the commission of the offense,[/left]
[left]In furtherance of the conspiracy, and to accomplish its object, Defendants committed the following overt acts, among others:

1. On or about August 7, 2013, Defendants MARTIN WOLMARK and MENDEL EPSTEIN participated in a telephone conference call, the purpose of which was to discuss the possibility of authorizing the use of violence to obtain a forced divorce.
2. On or about August 14, 2013, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN met with undercover FBI agents in Ocean County, New Jersey and discussed kidnapping the purported husband of one of the undercover FBI agents.
3. On or about September 25, 2013, Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN and FNU LNU, a/k/a “Yaakov” drove to a location in Middlesex County, New Jersey to determine whether it was a suitable location for the kidnapping.
4. On or about October 2, 2013, Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN, MARTIN WOLMARK. ARIEL POTASH and FNU LNU, a/k/a “Yaakov,” met in Rockland County, New York to authorize the use of violence to obtain a forced divorce,[/left]

[left]In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1201(c[/left]).

[center]ATTACHEMENT B[/center]

[left]I, Bruce D. Kamerman, am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of investigation (“FBI”). I have knowledge of the facts set forth below as a result of my participation in this investigation as well as from my review of reports from, and discussions with, other law enforcement personnel. Where statements of others are related herein, they are related in substance and part. Because this complaint is being submitted for a limited purpose, I have not set forth each and every fact that I know concerning this investigation. Where I assert that an event took place on a particular date, I am asserting that it took place on or about the date alleged.
Background of the Investigation

1. According to Jewish law, in order to effect a divorce, a husband must provide his wife with a document known as a “get.” Although a divorce may only be initiated by the husband issuing a get, the wife has the right to sue for divorce in a rabbinical court, known as a “beth din, which may order the husband to issue the get. If the husband refuses the court’s demand, he may be subjected to various penalties in order to pressure him into consenting to the divorce, i.e., giving the get. A woman whose husband will not consent to a divorce is known as an agunah” (agunot” in plural).

2. Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN and MARTIN WOLMARK are Jewish Rabbis who charge agunor and their families thousands of dollars to obtain gets from recalcitrant husbands by means of violence.

3. Defendants ARIEL POTASH and FNU LNU a/k/a “Yaakov” are Orthodox Jewish men who assist Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN and MARTIN WOLMARK in obtaining gets from recalcitrant husbands by means of violence.

4. Essentially the Defendants’ organization operated as follows. The family of an agunah made contact with the Defendants. The agunah ‘s family then made payment to the Defendants, after which the Defendants convened a beth din, which issued a contempt order, known as a “seruv,” against the husband. If the husband failed to respond, the beth din issued a ruling, known as a “psak din,” authorizing the use of coercion and/or violence to obtain the get. The Defendants then arranged to kidnap the recalcitrant husband and assault him until he consented to the divorce, , until he “gave the get.”

5. In a recorded conversation on August 14, 2013, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEiN admitted to planning, approving and committing numerous kidnappings and coerced gets. Specifically, Defendant EPSTEIN claimed that his organization kidnaped one recalcitrant husband approximately every year or year and a half.
The Undercover Operation

6. An undercover FBI Special Agent (“UCE-l”) posed as an Orthodox Jewish wife whose husband was unwilling to consent to a divorce. A second undercover FBI Special Agent (‘UCE-2”) posed as the brother of UCE-l, who was willing to pay for a kidnapping in order to coerce UCE-1 ‘s recalcitrant husband into consenting to a divorce. (Hereinafter, UCE-l ‘s purported husband will be referred to as “the Husband”).

7. On August 7, 2013, LICE-i and UCE-2 (collectively. “the UCEs”) made a telephone call to Defendant MARTFN WOLMARK. During the call, which was recorded by the UCEs, the UCEs presented their case that they were desperate for a religious divorce and were willing to pay a large sum of mone to obtain the divorce. WOLMARK talked about the mechanism for coercing a divorce and stated that it would be costly.

8. Specifically. WOLMARK stated:

Now, the question is, under certain conditions the person can be coerced to give the get.
Now, there are a couple of ways to do that. To get that situation created that he can be coerced on the get, it’s a. it’s a. it’s a process. It could happen but it’s a (UI) process. Ya know. it means getting the paperwork done. You have to. we have to, convene a special beth din and see if there are grounds to, to, to coerce him on the get.
That’s step number one. Step number two is then going ahead and getting it done. Now, each process, if it’s done, I mean, could be very costly, ya know, It doesn’t have to, ya know. It depends. It’s, it’s, in other words, you need special Rabbis who are going to take this thing and see it through to the end. Urn, that, that, that, that’s probably the most effective way. Ya know, there’s another way. Getting a guy like Mendel Epstein who’s a, ya know like a hired hand or so. Who’ll go and maybe make a. va know. If he doesn’t have him around here, he’s not gonna be effective. In other words, you need to get him to New York where someone either can harass him or nail him. Plain and simple.

9. Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK then connected Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN into the conference call. At the conclusion of that call, Defendant EPSTEIN told the UCEs to call him an hour later on his home telephone to discuss the details, Defendant EPSTEIN then told Defendant WOLMARK to stay on the line.

10. Approximately one hour later, UCE-1 and UCE-2 called Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN as directed. During that call, they arranged to meet with Defendant EPSTEIN at his house in Ocean County, New Jersey, on August 14, 2013, because, in Defendant EPSTEIN’s words: “I don’t think this is a phone conversation, am I correct?”

11. On August 14, 2013. the UCEs met with Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN at his residence in Ocean Count, New Jersey. The meeting was consensually video and audio recorded by the UCEs.

12. During the course of the meeting, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN spoke about kidnapping, beating and torturing husbands in order to force a divorce. Indeed, he specifically stated:
Sup. suppose we. ya know this is an expensive thing to do. It’s not simply; we’re talking,

uh, I don’t want to use the, the (UI) terms but, basically what we are going to be doing is kidnapping a guy for a couple of hours and beating him up and torturing him and then getting him to give the get.

13. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN talked about forcing compliance through the use of “tough guys” who utilize electric cattle prods, karate, handcuffs and place plastic bags over the heads of the husbands. at one point telling UCE-2:
Defendant EPSTEIN: Wait, wait, wait a minute, Wait a second here. I guarantee you that if you’re in the van, you’d give a get to your wife. You probably love your wife, hut you’d give a get when they finish with you. So, and it’s, hopefully, there won’t even be a mark on him.
UCE-2: You can leave a mark. (Chuckle).
Defendant EPSTEIN: No, no, no, no, we
UCE-2: I know. I understand what you’re saying.
Defendant EPSTEIN: We prefer not to leave a mark Right. Because then when they do go to the police, the police look at the guy.
UCE-2: Yeah, what’s wrong…
Defendant EPSTEIN: You look the same. You know, ah, what’s so terrible. They did this to give a get. How long didn’t you give a get. Ah, two years, yeah. I mean, I, I’ve traveled I’ve been in South America too ...And basically the reaction of the police is, if the guy does, not have a mark on him ... Then uh, is there some Jewish crazy affair here, they don’t get involved.

* * *

Defendant EPSTEIN: We take an electric cattle prod.
UCE-l: Electric cattle prod, okay.
Defendant EPSTEIN: If it can get a bull that weighs five tons to move
You put it in certain parts of his body and in one minute the guy will know.

14. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN admitted to committing approximately one kidnapping every year to year and a half. “One a year. Year and a half. So that way7the police jurisdictions... They’re all linked together now and everything. It’s not so simple, but, but uh...“

15. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN stated that the kidnapping would cost $10,000 to pay for the rabbis on the rabbinical court to approve the kidnapping and an additional $50,000 to $60,000 to pay for the “tough guys” who would conduct the beating and obtain the forced get.

Defendant EPSTEIN stated that Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK officiates during the kidnapping and forced get and that Defendant EPSTEIN’s son is one of the ‘tough guys” who uses his karate skills on the victims to facilitate the divorces.

16. During the meeting the UCEs explained that the Husband lived in South America, and had a residence in Florida, The UCEs said that UCE-2 and the Husband were longstanding business partners, doing real estate deals together. UCE-2 said that he had introduced UCE-1 and the Husband. According to UCE-2, he and the Husband were still business partners, but once the marriage between LICE-i and the Husband deteriorated (which UCE-i claimed was largely because of financial issues and the fact that the Husband decided that he did not want children), the business relationship between UCE-2 and the Husband had deteriorated as well. According to UCE-2, the Husband claimed that UCE-2 owed him money from past business deals, and the Husband would not give UCE-1 a get unless LJCE-2 paid the Husband. UCE-2 said he could lure the Husband from South America to a location in New Jersey under the pretext of a business deal.

17. In a series of subsequent telephone conversations, UCE- 1 arranged with Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK to have a beth din convene in Rockland County, New York on October 2, 2013. The purpose of this beth din is to issue a psak din authorizing the use of violence to obtain a forced get.

18. UCE-2 has also had subsequent telephone conversations and e-mail exchanges with Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN regarding where and how the proposed forced get was to take place. In these conversations, UCE-2 suggested that he could lure the Husband to New Jersey during the week of October 7, 2013.

19. Specifically, on September 25, 2013, UCE-2 called Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and proposed that a warehouse in Middlesex County, New Jersey (the “Warehouse”)

could be used for obtaining the forced get. In response, Defendant EPSTEIN indicated that he wanted to have his people investigate the proposed site beforehand. to ensure its feasibility. Defendant EPSTEIN then said he needed money to have people investigate the Warehouse (which would, in his words, ‘commit them”). In response, UCE-2 told him that he would wire $20,000 to Defendant EPSTEIN after the psak din was issued on October 2, 2013.

20. In that call. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and UCE-2 discussed whether it would be preferable to conduct the beating of UC-I inside the Warehouse or in a van in the parking lot. Defendant EPSTEIN said they did not necessarily need to go inside because “they don’t need him for long, believe me. They’ll have him in the van, hooded, and it will happen.”

21. In that call, Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and UCE-2 discussed getting the Husband to and from the Warehouse, UCE-2 said that he would drive the Husband there. MENDEL EPSTEIN then asked how the Husband was going to get home. MENDEL EPSTEIN told UCE-2 he preferred that UCE-2 bring the Husband home so there would be “no police involvement.”

22. On September 29, 2012, FBI surveillance teams observed Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN and Defendant FNU LNU, alkla “Yaakov,’ drive to the Warehouse. Defendant EPSTEIN then got out of the vehicle and appeared to take a picture of the Warehouse with his cell phone before driving away. Soon thereafter, Defendant EPSTEIN sent an e-mail to UCE-2 stating: “We were at the site on blue heron its excellent police station two blocks away ask if they patrol or of they have private security did not seem that way surveillance cameras?? Really out of the way great,” (Lack of punctuation in original).

23. The next day. September 30, 2013, UCE-2 called Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN, and confirmed that there would be no security patrols. Defendant EPSTEIN said the building was

“better than good” and that his people would prefer to be inside the Warehouse when they obtained the forced get. UCE-2 and Defendant EPSTEIN then solidified their plan for the kidnapping and coerced get: UCE-2 would unlock the Warehouse in the evening on October 9, 2013, and allow the Targets inside. The Targets would then prepare inside the Warehouse, and UCE-2 would pick up the Husband, UCE-2 would then return to the Warehouse a short time later with the Husband.

24. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN then confirmed that UCE-2 was going to wire $20,000 after the psak din was issued on October 2, 2013. Defendant EPSTEIN then instructed UCE-2 to bring a check for $30,000 with him to the Warehouse on October 9, 2013, and give that check to the “sofer” (meaning the scribe), because his guys “need to be paid within twenty-four hours.”

25. On October 2, 2013, UCE-1 traveled to Rockland County, New York for the beth din. There she met Defendants MENDEL EPSTEIN, MARTIN WOLMARK and FNU LNU. a/k/a “Yaakov.” UCE-1 was then escorted into a back office to begin the beth din. When UCE-1 asked Defendant FNU LNU who he was, Defendant FNU LNU refused to answer UCE-1 ‘s questions about his identity, explaining that it was better “the less information you know about myself.”

26. During the beth din, Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK asked UCE-l to explain her situation. Specifically, he asked: “Why do you have to be released from this marriage, even if your husband has to be coerced?” UCE-1 explained her situation and why she is desperate for a divorce from her husband, who refuses to give her a get. Defendant EPSTEIN directed Defendant FNU LNU to write down everything for the psak din.

27. About one hour into the beth din. Defendant ARIEL POTASH arrived to serve as the “shliach,” that is, the person appointed to serve as UCE-1 ‘s agent to accept the get from the

husband, since UCE..l will not be present for the forced get. When asked by UCE-1 about his role, Defendant POTASH explained that he does ‘whatever the rabbis tell him,” Defendant POTASH further explained to UCE-l that there is no need for UCE-1 to know who he is, saying: ‘I’ll make it even more clear - - if you see me, two months …... down the street, you don’t know me, I don’t know you.” Two additional young males then arrived to witness the appointment of Defendant POTASH as the shliach. Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK instructed both witnesses to sign a document, omitting their last names, attesting to the appointment of the shliach.

28. At the end of the beth din, Defendant MARTIN WOLMARK asked UCE- 1 about “the plan” for the forced get, and whether UCE- 1 knew the location and the timing. Defendant MENDEL EPSTEIN confirmed the plan for the forced get was good, stating, “it’s at night, and it’s a weird place, it’s very good ... hopefully the patrol will not be out on patrol that night.” Defendant EPSTEIN also told UCE-l that during the forced gel, “you should be out in public” among a lot of people.

29. After the psak din was issued on October 2, 2013, UCE-2 transmitted $20,000 to MENDEL EPSTIEN by wire transfer.[/left]

[left]search warrant to be served at the time the search is executed.[/left]

Bruce Kamerman. Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

[left]Subscribed and sworn to me
This day of October, 2013
United States Magistrate Judge[/left]
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

איז דא עפעס פרישע נייעס אויפן פראנט
נולד מאוחר
חבר ותיק
חבר ותיק
הודעות: 3833
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מאנטאג אפריל 09, 2012 9:21 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 3807 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 1797 מאל

שליחה דורך נולד מאוחר »

באניצער אוואטאר
הדד בן בדד
הודעות: 1491
זיך רעגיסטרירט: פרייטאג מערץ 02, 2012 1:57 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 684 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 1083 מאל

שליחה דורך הדד בן בדד »

נולד מאוחר האט געשריבן:אוי וואלטן זיי ציניץ געקומען

זייער שיין, דאס איז איר מעשה, און איך זאג נישט עס איז נישט אמת, אבער האסט דאך נישט געהערט זיין זייט. זיי זאגן דאך דארט אז זיין זיידע ר' ראובן פיינשטיין נעמט זיך אן פאר אים, אפשר ליגט עפעס אונטער דעם.
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

פארדעם זענען דאך די רעפארמער, די ארטאדאקס האבען דאך נישט געוואלט טוישען די תורה
עוד מישהו
היימישער באניצער
היימישער באניצער
הודעות: 351
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג נאוועמבער 13, 2012 12:46 pm
געפינט זיך: אין אנטארטיקע
האט שוין געלייקט: 144 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 235 מאל

שליחה דורך עוד מישהו »

נולד מאוחר האט געשריבן:אוי וואלטן זיי ציניץ געקומען

צעקה הנערה ואין מושיע לה.
ממש יעצט האט מען געליינט "הכצעקתה הבאה אלי עשו כלה ואם לא אדעה" די באשעפער הערט די קול פון די געליטענע פון "סדום", און ער וועט שוין וויסן וואס צו טוען מיט זיי.
ס'איז בעסער צו לערנען די הייליגע תורה, מער פון אלע לאלי'ס און קענדי'ס.
קרעדיט: כיתה א' רבי.
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

דברים כ"ד א', כי-יקח איש אשה, ובעלה; והיה אם-לא תמצא-חן בעיניו, כי-מצא בה ערות דבר--וכתב לה ספר כריתת ונתן בידה, ושלחה מביתו

די תורה האט נישט געגעבען די ברירה פאר די פרוי זיך צו ביי פרייען

מען קען איר טאקע נישט צווינגען צו וואוינען אין איינעם, אבער אויף צו קענען וואוינען מיט א צווייטען, האט די תורה נישט געזאגט "צעקה הנערה ואין מושיע לה"
עוד מישהו
היימישער באניצער
היימישער באניצער
הודעות: 351
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג נאוועמבער 13, 2012 12:46 pm
געפינט זיך: אין אנטארטיקע
האט שוין געלייקט: 144 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 235 מאל

שליחה דורך עוד מישהו »

די תורה האט נישט דערמאנט אזא מציאות, די ראשונים און שפעטער אין די פוסקים אין שו"ע יא, צו עקספלאטירן און טעראריזירן א פרוי מיט נישט געבן א גט, איז קעגן די הלכה.
אגב אויב דו דערמאנסט פסוקים מיט פונקטליך וואס עס שטייט, זיי מעיין אין די פסוק כל כבודה בת מלך פנימה. נישט יעדע זאך וואס מ'זאגט מוז זיין אזוי וואו עס שטייט, ס'דא גענוג אין נאך זאכן וואס זענען פארדרייט.
ס'איז בעסער צו לערנען די הייליגע תורה, מער פון אלע לאלי'ס און קענדי'ס.
קרעדיט: כיתה א' רבי.
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 273
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אפריל 29, 2012 2:19 am
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 24 מאל

שליחה דורך מאיר_וואלף »

איך ווייס נישט וואס איז ביי דיר פאדרייט

ווען די פסוק זאגט אז א מאן קען געבען א גט פאר זיין פרוי, מיינט דאס אז די מאן קען געבען, און נישט די פרוי

קוק אריין אין רש"י מסכת כתובות דף ג. ד"ה קדיש בביאה מאי, ... בשלמא על ידי גט כשר, אע"פ שהקידושין קיימים עד עכשיו, גזירת הכתוב היא, שהגט כורתו ומתיר איסורו מכאן ולהבא, ע"כ.

ווען נישט די גזירת הכתוב, וואלט א פרוי געווען סטאק מיט איר מאן א גאנץ לעבען, און ער האט געקענט האבען וויפיל ווייבער ער האט געוואלט

אין שו"ע ווערט גע'פסק'ענט אז ווען א פרוי וויל נישט וואוינען מיט איר מאן, טאר מען קיין איינעם פון זיי נישט צווינגען, נישט דעם מאן צו געבען א גט, און אויך נישט די פרוי צו וואוינען מיט איר מאן, טור אה"ז סימן ע"ז: וביאר עוד בתשובה וכתב והסכימו חכמי אשכנז וצרפת, שבטענת מאיס עלי, אין לכוף לבעל לגרש, לכן יזהר כל דיין שלא לכוף לגרש בטענת מאיס עלי, וכן אין כופין אותה להיות אצלו, ע"כ.
באניצער אוואטאר
ידיד ותיק
ידיד ותיק
הודעות: 846
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דאנערשטאג נאוועמבער 29, 2012 3:12 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 839 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 1026 מאל

שליחה דורך ביבער »

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire
באניצער אוואטאר
נאה דורש
מאנשי שלומינו
מאנשי שלומינו
הודעות: 52
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג יולי 02, 2013 10:54 am
האט שוין געלייקט: 33 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 49 מאל

שליחה דורך נאה דורש »

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - Two Brooklyn brothers have admitted traveling to New Jersey as part of a plan to coerce a Jewish man to give his wife a religious divorce through threats of violence.
Thirty-four-year-old Avrohom Goldstein and his 31-year-old brother, Moshe, pleaded guilty this week to traveling in interstate commerce to commit extortion. They also said they and others restrained, assaulted and injured a man in Brooklyn in an attempt to extort a divorce in 2011.
The brothers each face up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 fines when they're sentenced in June.
Another defendant pleaded guilty last week.
The men were arrested in October 2013 in an undercover sting in which an FBI agent contacted two rabbis seeking a divorce, known as a "get." The rabbis are awaiting trial.
מאנשי שלומינו
מאנשי שלומינו
הודעות: 69
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג דעצעמבער 11, 2012 4:19 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 18 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 20 מאל

שליחה דורך חרבונה »

אויף איינע פון די מאנסים לגיטין צו מרבה זיין דערמיט ר''ל פסולי אשת איש אין כלל ישראל דראעט אצינד צוואנציג יאר טורמע נאכען זיך מודה זיין אין זיין שולד.

געוויסע שמועות גייען ארום אז נאך א געוויסע טוען וואס האט געהאט שייכות צו די פארברעכנ'ס גייט יושב'ן.
Kool man
היימישער באניצער
היימישער באניצער
הודעות: 476
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מאנטאג יוני 09, 2014 4:43 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 747 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 564 מאל

שליחה דורך Kool man »

א רחמנות אויף די צובראכענע עגונות וואס דארפען זיך מוטשענען אונטער די הענט פון זייערע רשעים, נעבעך,
מאנשי שלומינו
מאנשי שלומינו
הודעות: 69
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג דעצעמבער 11, 2012 4:19 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 18 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 20 מאל

שליחה דורך חרבונה »

א רחמנות אויף די צובראכענע און אומשילדיגע ממזרים וואס זענען נעבעך געבוירען געווארען פון די מאנסי גיטין ר''ל, און די אומגליקליכע מענער וואס וואלטען ממשיך געווען צו בויען זייער בית נאמן ווען נישט די רודפי נפשות.
ידיד ותיק
ידיד ותיק
הודעות: 878
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג סעפטעמבער 14, 2014 11:40 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 1386 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 432 מאל

שליחה דורך chusid »

וואס איז נייעס האט א אפדעיט איבער די פרשה היינט. איך פארשטיי נישט וויאזוי א רב מאכט אזאכע דיסיזשענס אהן אפילן הערן די צווייטע צד, לכאורה האבן זיי נישט גערעדט צום מאן אדער מאן,ס משפחה ווייל ער האט נישט עגזעסטירט............
Trenton, NJ - An Orthodox Jewish rabbi pleaded guilty on Wednesday to playing a role in a scheme to kidnap Jewish men and force them to grant divorces to their unhappy wives, said federal authorities in New Jersey.
Martin Wolmark, 56, of Monsey, NY pleaded guilty to conspiring to travel to New Jersey to coerce a man to give his wife a “get” - a religious document that Orthodox Jewish women are required to get from their husbands in order to secure a divorce, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said in a statement.
Experts say such kidnapping schemes are responses to so-called “get abuse,” in which husbands demand a larger share of the couple’s communal property before granting the divorce.
Wolmark was accused of speaking with a woman and her brother - who were actually undercover FBI agents - in August 2013 about obtaining a “get” from the woman’s recalcitrant husband.
Wolmark was among four rabbis and four co-conspirators who were accused in the scheme in which the kidnapped victim was to be assaulted at a warehouse in October 2013, according to the criminal complaint. The rabbis wore bandannas and Halloween masks and brought rope, surgical blades, and a screwdriver to carry out the beating, the complaint said.

They were arrested at the warehouse in Edison, New Jersey. So far, all but one of the co-conspirators have pleaded guilty to traveling to New Jersey to commit extortion, said Matthew Reilly, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Wolmark faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine when he is sentenced on May 18.
“Rabbi Martin Wolmark has agreed to accept responsibility for his limited participation in a conspiracy,” Wolmark’s attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said in a statement. “He looks forward to bringing this chapter of his life to a close.”
.זיך צו פארבינדן chusid03@Gmail. Com
באניצער אוואטאר
הדד בן בדד
הודעות: 1491
זיך רעגיסטרירט: פרייטאג מערץ 02, 2012 1:57 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 684 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 1083 מאל

שליחה דורך הדד בן בדד »

רבותי, טייערע אידן, די וואך קומט פאר די משפט פון דעם רשע מרושע, שופך דם ישראל ומתיר אשת איש'ן לשוק ומרבה ממזרים בישראל הרשע הידוע מענדל עפשטיין שר"י.

איך מוז זאגן אפאר ווערטער פאר די אלע דא וואס ווילן נישט דארפן איבערליינען דעם גאנצן אשכול דא.

די לעצטערע יארן האבן זיך געמערט אזעלכע פעלער פון משפחות וועלכע האבן געוואלט באקומען גיטין פון זייערע מענער, כאטש אפילו גאר ערליכע בתי דינים האבן געזאגט אז דער מאן איז נישט מחויב צו געבן א גט, צו ווייל מען האט אים בא'גנב'עט מיט ריזיגע סומעס געלטער, צו ווייל מען האט נישט געוואלט לאזן צוטריט צו די קינדער, צו פאר אנדערע סיבות, אבער דער ס"ה איז געווען אז זיי האבן נישט געקענט באקומען קיין גט ע"פ הלכה. זענען זיי געגאנגען צו א גרופע גענגסטערס ווי מענדל עפשטיין וכת דילי' און באצאלט טבין ותקילין, און פאר א שיינע פאר אלפים האט מען דעם מאן געמאכט אזא משכנתא אז ער האט בעסער געגעבן דעם גט ווי איידער איר לאזן באפרייט ווערן דורך מיתת הבעל.

זענען געגאנגען אפאר אזעלכע געטראפענע און פארציילט פאר די עף בי איי וואס דא קומט פאר איז געגאנגען די עף בי איי און זיך אריינגעלייגט, אבער די חברה האבן גע'טענה'ט אז ס"ה טוען זיי העלפן נעבעכדיגע, באקריוודעטע פרויען וועלכע ווערן נעבעך מעוגן דורך פינסטערע רשעים. און כאטש וואס אפילו אזוי איז עס אומלעגאל, אבער די עף בי איי האט זיך דאך געוואלט איבערצייגן אליינס צו מען רעדט דא טאקע פון אזעלכע וואוילע צדיקים'לעך וועלכע טוען נאר העלפן נעבעכדיגע פרויען, אדער מען רעדט פון א פשוט'ע גענגסטער און מאפיא גרופע וועלכע האט געטראפן א וועג צו מאכן גרינג געלט דורך זיך אהערשטעלן אלס פרויען באשיצער.

די עף בי איי האט פלעין אונטערגעשטעלט א מאן מיט א פרוי וועלכע זענען געקומען צו די חברה און זיך אנגעגעבן אלס ברודער און שוועסטער, און פארציילט אז די שוועסטער וויל א גט פון דעם מאן אבער דער מאן וויל נישט געבן און זיי זענען גרייט צו באצאלן אז מען זאל פון יענעם ארויסנעמען א גט אויף סיי וועלכען אופן.

און דא האט זיך ארויסגעשטעלט זייער ריכטיגע פרצוף. זיי האבן ניטאמאל געטרייט צו רעדן צום מאן, זיי האבן אפילו נישט געמאכט דעם אנשטעל ווי זיי טרייען אים איינצורעדן מיט גוטן צו געבן א גט. זיי האבן זיך תיכף גענומען צו די עבודה אויף צו מאכן געלט. און ב"ה אז מען האט די גענגסטערס איינגע'מושב'ט.

אצינד קומט פאר זייער משפט. ליידער הרשעים כים נגרש און דער עפשטיין ברענגט אן יעדן טאג אין קאורט מחנות פון אזויגערופענע עגונות וועלכע קומען זיך אננעמען פאר אים האפענדיג אז די גוי'אישע זשורי וועט זיך אננעמען פאר אים ווייל ער העלפט דאך נעבעך באקריוודעטע לעידיס. אבער פון די אנדערע זייט קומען נישט אן גענוג מענטשן צו ווייזען אז מען וויל אויסרייסן דעם שעדליכן גיפטיגן קערל פון צווישן ערליכע אידן.

טייערע אידן, עס איז זייער וויכטיג אז יעדער וואס קען, כל מי אשר כבוד ה' יקר בעיניו, זאל זיך אויפהייבן און אראפ פארן קיין ניו זשערזי צום קאורט און ווייזן אז מען נעמט זיך אן פאר די תורה און פאר די געזעץ היטער וואס טרייען אויסצורייסן די רשעים פון צווישן אונז.

נעמט עס נישט פאר לייכט, איך קען נישט גענוג שטארק ארויסברענגען דאס וויכטיגקייט פון ערשיינען דארט און ארויסווייזן שטיצע. מען קען קיינמאל נישט וויסן, אייער קומען אין קאורט קען מאכן דעם חילוק.

קיינער זאל זיך נישט מאכן דעם חשבון אז עס האט גארנישט מיט מיר ווייל איר קענט קיינמאל נישט וויסן ווען עס וועט חלילה יא האבן א שייכות מיט דיר, צו מיט א משפחה צו מיט א נאנטן חבר. יעצט איז די צייט וואס מען קען עפעס טוען פאקטיש אויף אפצושטעלן דעם נאצישן הנהגה, דעם שפיכות דם נקי, דעם טעראר און רציחה. גייט אין די מאסן.

איך שרייב דא אראפ דעם אדרעס און אויך אן אימעיל אדרעס אויב איר דארפט עפעס מער אינפארמעישאן אדער אויב איר זענט גרייט צו העלפן מיט סיי וואס, אדער אויב איר קענט פארן מיט א קאר און מיטנעמען נאך מענטשן.

New Jersey Federal District Court.
402 East State Street #2020,
Trenton, NJ 08608

Courtroom 5E Judge Wolfson

The Trenton Transit Center is a block away, has parking and access to NJ
Transit trains, busses.


יישר כח יעדער איינער און תזכו למצות
היימישער באניצער
היימישער באניצער
הודעות: 371
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג דעצעמבער 30, 2012 8:41 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 149 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 133 מאל

שליחה דורך BAL TSHIVA »

?Chusi do you have place for me@