דייעט'ס והמסתעף

ארטיקלען, אנאליזן, מיינונגען, געדאנקען, און שמועסן
באניצער אוואטאר
זר זהב
חבר ותיק
חבר ותיק
הודעות: 9465
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דינסטאג מערץ 06, 2012 4:23 am
האט שוין געלייקט: 3728 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 3783 מאל

דייעט'ס והמסתעף

שליחה דורך זר זהב »

איך גיי דאס טרייען.

"קרעש דעי" וועט זיין שבת.

I'm going to be straight with you from the start: This is a diet! It does require a bit of work on your part, but if you follow through you WILL lose the weight.

The CANs and CAN'Ts of this Diet

Now before telling you what you CAN'T do with this diet, I will tell you what you CAN do:

1. You can relax at home. You don't have to exercise!
2. You can indulge in as much sweets, junk food, and soda pops as you can possibly imagine one day a week
3. You can choose what you put into your meals
4. You can eat food
5. You WILL lose 40 pounds in 3 months

Here's what you can't do:

1. You can't weigh yourself on any day but 'crash' day
2. You can't eat less than 5 meals a day
3. You can't eat more than 1500 calories a day (except on crash days)

If you aren't especially serious and motivated to lose the weight, then don't read another word. This will be the easiest diet you've ever been on, but YOU HAVE TO STICK TO IT! If you stick to it, you will see the results. My results came within the first week, when I dropped 5 pounds! Your results will be the exact same if not better if you can follow what I explain to you in the next few paragraphs.

The Diet

Here's what you have to do to lose the weight. You start this diet by weighing yourself, and either remembering your weight or writing it down somewhere. Don't let your current weight bring you down. When you start seeing the weight loss you're gonna be ecstatic and never want to quit!

Each day you start off by taking a multi-vitamin. This is essential because your body is going to need vitamins and minerals to stay functioning. As for eating, you'll be spreading 5 meals throughout the day. These meals will be 300 calories each (which you will count out), and will add up to 1500 calories. You can choose whatever food you'd like to be in these meals. It doesn't have to be healthy, but junk foods and sweets are less feeling. By eating more regularly throughout the day, you are keeping your digestive system running constantly and your metabolism increases.

Throughout the day you are going to need to drink lots of water. Water will supress your hunger, and will keep you hydrated. Often times you find yourself eating because your trying to compensate for being thirsty. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, and nothing less! Your body can't function right without sufficient water, and if you deprive yourself then you won't maximize your weight loss.

Most diets fail because people either don't see dramatic results or because the diet restricts the foods they love. With this diet, you have one day a week to eat whatever you want without restriction! If you want a giant candy bar, go for it! If you suddenly have the urge to drink a 2-liter of soda, feel free! Having a 'crash' day will not only allow you to eat the sweets you love, it will keep your body from the plateau.


You're probably thinking 'what do you mean plateau?'. A plateau in dieting is when you're body gets used to the diet and the weight loss slows dramatically. In a lot of diets, you will lose 5 pounds the first week, 3 pounds the second week, and maybe a pound the third week. The reason this diet includes a 'crash' day is to ruin this plateau. You eat the junk foods and sweets on 'crash' days to stop our bodies from becoming used to the diet. Then when you start the diet up the day after the 'crash', you will lose just as much weight as the week before.


Here's a review of the whole diet.

1. 5 Meals a Day, 300 Calories Each
2. Drink Lots of Water
3. Have One Crash Day a Week
4. Weigh Yourself on Crash Day (when you get up)

I promise you will lose the weight if you just try. This was one of the easiest diets I have ever tried, but you have to be dedicated and serious about weight loss. Start this diet tomorrow, and in 3 months you'll be at least 40 pounds lighter. I did it, and so can you! Let me know how it goes!
איך שרייב וואס איך וויל און וואס איך האלט פאר ריכטיג, וועדער יו "לייק" איט אר נאט

דער אשכול פארמאגט 5 תגובות

איר דארפט זיין א רעגיסטרירטער מעמבער און איינגעשריבן צו זען די תגובות.

רעגיסטרירן איינשרייבן