venus האט געשריבן:יאיר האט געשריבן:לערנען לשון הקודש וואלט נישט צופיל געהאלפן. צו פארשטיין וואס קליפת נוגה מיינט דארף מען הארעווען אין א חסידישע ישיבה עטליכע יאר. און גלייב מיר, ס'איז נישט ווערד.
Is it really not worth it all those years in yeshiva? For someone who likes to learn, isn't it heaven? I understand that boys who don't like to learn should resent it, but someone who liked to learn?
In general, someone who doesn't learn in yeshiva, wouldn't learn in college or public school either.
It's quite funny how so many heimishe people are square minded and think that the world starts in BP and ends in KJ and that there are all the problems, that everyone is perfect and great and nebach by us we have so many problems. Such theory does NOT come from too much reflection (as these people try to draw, thinking that by cursing out their community and system they become cool or open minded).
I will reveal you guys something, that with all the divorces "recently" in the chasidishe world, all the rebels "recently" in the yeshivah system, all the unhappy and unfulfilled people in the frumeh world etc etc, the average is not even close to what goes one "outside" in the secular/non jewish world. And I'm talking from experience and knowledge.
Like one of my colleagues -a known therapist and Rabbi- was telling some yeshiva bochurim that were telling how they fell that they're missing out etc, he told them like this: It's really funny that you guys don't even look at what you have, at the beauty and wealth of the stuff you're studying, and think that to live a "secular" life would be a much better option. I have so many "secular" or non-jewish people, people who -from exterior- look good, perfect. they have all their "physical" need, all what they want, but they have no reason to wake up in the morning! they're desperate for some meaning in life.
well, for some this may sound as another "boring Rabbi speech"... But this is a fact. and when it comes from a person who's very smart and known as a very good therapist, it amplify the message even more.