UJO גע'עפענט א בלאג

היימיש, לאקאל, און איבער דער וועלט
באניצער אוואטאר
הודעות: 1227
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דאנערשטאג יוני 21, 2012 10:43 am
האט שוין געלייקט: 269 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 802 מאל

UJO גע'עפענט א בלאג

שליחה דורך outspoken »

פאקט, אז מ'זאל נעמען אלע נסיונות פונם דור אריינגערעכענט אינטערנעט און ארונים אויף איין זייט און ציונות אויף די אנדערע וועט דאס לעצטע איבערוועגן SO LETS BE FOCUSED NOT STUPID
באניצער אוואטאר
הודעות: 1227
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דאנערשטאג יוני 21, 2012 10:43 am
האט שוין געלייקט: 269 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 802 מאל

שליחה דורך outspoken »

[left]UJO Weekly Column

Here, we will post the weekly column that the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn publishes in the Yiddish weekly newspaper Der Yid. In addition to a PDF of the Yiddish column It will include a brief overview of the article in English.
Monday, May 12, 2014
May 9, 2014 Column: Rabbi Niederman's Joining President Obama to Celebrate the Affordable Care Act and More
Mayor de Blasio's Massive Affordable Housing Plan

This week's Der Yid main headline was about the massive affordable housing plan that Mayor de Blasio unveiled this week. The story appeared on pages 34-35. It closes with the following paragraph:

"The whole city stands to be revitalized and to tremendously benefit from the Mayor's newly-announced plan, especially (will it benefit) New York's densely-populated Jewish quarters that are suffering the most from a shortage in new affordable houses."

Rabbi Niederman Celebrates with President Obama

The UJO Column (pages 16 and 59) reports on President Obama's celebration of the 8 million sign ups on new health plans, under the Affordable Care Act, that was attended by the UJO Executive Director, Rabbi Niederman. He was invited to the event by the White House, in recognition of the UJO's dedicated assistance to the community with with choosing the best plans and signing up on them.

“It was an honor to join the President and the First Lady celebrating the Affordable Health Care Act. The President’s heart-felt remarks showed how personal they felt about making sure health coverage and access to quality health care is attainable to all,” said Rabbi Niederman.

“I’m proud that the UJO is a part of that, enabling so many in the community, on a daily basis, enroll in plans on the exchange. I especially want to thank Mr. Matt Nosanchuk – who may have undertaken a new assignment, but is still there for the Jewish community as much as before – who worked with us to make the ACA a success in the community. In addition, I want to express my appreciation to the NYS Marketplace Exchange – one of the best ACA systems in the nation created by Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration – that assisted us in getting health coverage to those who need it most” Rabbi Niederman concluded.

Meetings on Behalf of the Ukrainian Jewry

With Senator Gillibrand

The Shaded box on p.16 reports on Rabbi Niederman's meeting Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to discuss measures for the safety and security of Ukrainian Jews.

"I'm astonished by the energy of the New York Senator [Gillibrand]. Despite her leadership on so many international, national and state issues, emerging as one of the most effective Senators in the country, she made time for the meeting that lasted over an hour. She knew in advance all the small details about the topic that we discussed, and exhibited a strong interest to work on those issues, to improve the world and to assist the most helpless wherever they are," Rabbi Niederman said.

"New York is fortunate to have such a dedicated Senator."

With Congressman Jeffries

Then it reports on a meeting that Rabbi Niederman held with Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, who is representing parts of the Williamsburg Hasidic community, on the Ukrainian issue.

"We thank Congressman Jeffries for the courteous reception. Despite being a freshman, he's already highly influential in Washington [DC], and is a dedicated friend to the community on all benevolent issues," Rabbi Niederman said. "We are thankful for his help and look forward to continued with this partnership for many years on international, national and district issues."

With Mr. Matthew Nosenchuck

Rabbi Niederman also discussed the Ukrainian issue with Mr. Matt Nosenchuck, who until recently served as the White House Jewish Liaison and is now handling communications at the National Security Council.

"Mr. Nosenchuck was always a dedicated advocate for issues of interest to the Jewish community. With his rising in the ranks, Kllal Yisroel will now be able to benefit from him even more," Rabbi Niederman said.

With Ms. Lesley Weiss, Chair of the Heritage Commission for the Preservation of the US Heritage Abroad

Also, Rabbi Niederman met Ms. Lesley Weiss, Chair of the US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad.

"At that meeting we saw first-hand Ms. Weiss' feeling for Jewish graves. With her at the helm of the Commission, we will be able - with Go-d's help - to achieve a lot for the holy places," Rabbi Niederman said.[/left]
פאקט, אז מ'זאל נעמען אלע נסיונות פונם דור אריינגערעכענט אינטערנעט און ארונים אויף איין זייט און ציונות אויף די אנדערע וועט דאס לעצטע איבערוועגן SO LETS BE FOCUSED NOT STUPID
באניצער אוואטאר
הודעות: 1415
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מיטוואך נאוועמבער 21, 2012 2:50 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 1207 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 271 מאל

שליחה דורך signout »

יעדער פארמאגט היינט וועבזייטליך שוין דא היינט קהילות וואס פארמאגען אויך אין די איבריגע איז א פראגע פין צייט, דא האט איר די לינק פין די וויליאמסבורגע JCCקאנסיל http://www.cscgw.org/
באניצער אוואטאר
הודעות: 1227
זיך רעגיסטרירט: דאנערשטאג יוני 21, 2012 10:43 am
האט שוין געלייקט: 269 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 802 מאל

שליחה דורך outspoken »

www.unitedjewish.org/בלאג און וועבזייט זענען 2 זאכען UJ O האט שוין לאנג א וועבזייטל
פאקט, אז מ'זאל נעמען אלע נסיונות פונם דור אריינגערעכענט אינטערנעט און ארונים אויף איין זייט און ציונות אויף די אנדערע וועט דאס לעצטע איבערוועגן SO LETS BE FOCUSED NOT STUPID
הודעות: 1029
זיך רעגיסטרירט: פרייטאג מאי 11, 2012 1:00 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 1704 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 310 מאל

The Orthodox Delegates

שליחה דורך היסטאריקער »

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