ביסטו אמאל אריבער א סקעם? שרייב פרטים פאר אנדערע

אלעס איבער האנדל וואנדל
באניצער אוואטאר
ליטוואק פון בודאפעסט
הודעות: 9697
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מיטוואך דעצעמבער 19, 2012 6:51 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 3445 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 9132 מאל

ביסטו אמאל אריבער א סקעם? שרייב פרטים פאר אנדערע

שליחה דורך ליטוואק פון בודאפעסט »

ביסטו אדורך א סקעם? מיר האט מען פראבירט צו סקעממען, מיט בערך א האלבע יאר צוריק. לייג איך דא די גאנצע געשיכטע, ליהנות בהם בני אדם, און אויך צו העלפען דער וואס וועט מעגליך אריין פאלען.

איך האב געזוכט א נייעם קאר, און איך האב געזוכט אויף קרעיגס ליסט. געטראפען האב איך א סיעננא פון 2009 און איך בין געווארען נייגעריג. האב איך געשיקט אן אימעיל צו די אדרעס דארט. האט יענער געבעטען א פריוואטע אימעיל און פון דארט וועט מען שמועסע.
רויטע פאן נומער איינס!

איך האב געשיקט א בקשה צו יענער, וואס האט מיר דאס צוריק געשיקט.

My name is Corinne, and I'm emailing you about 2009 Toyota Sienna XLE with an gasoline engine, automatic transmission and only 80,000 miles. Never had or need any paint/body work done, garaged keep always, without any mechanical problems, tires and wheels are in great shape as well, electric is working perfectly. The engine V6 gas, runs very good and the automatic transmission shifts perfectly. Has a clean and clear US title in my name and there are no liens or loans on it. This vehicle was used by my husband who died 4 month ago. The price was reduced at $2500 because I'm in a hurry to find a buyer. I need to sell it before the 15 of the next month, when I will be leaving on military duty with my medical team out of the country for a year and do not want to store it. Hate to sell it but its not worth keeping insurance and paying storage fees for a year. If you interested i can send you more pics.

Thank you!
איך האב זיך גענומען צו גוגל, און אויפגעזוכט די נאמען פון די פרוי. וואס איז ארויס געקומען. דא האט איהר א בילד.

Corrinr McCaw Google search.jpg

האב איך צוריק גע'ענטפערט קורץ און שארף
How did your husband die?
[/left]האט זי זאפארט גע'ענטפערט
Of cancer has died,Right now I'm in a military base. We are training, getting ready for leaving the country. The delivery process will be managed by me. I think I can have it there at your home address within 2-3 working days. It will come with a clear title and reg. I am a member of the eBay buyer protection program and using this service you will get a 7 days testing period after delivery. During that 7 days testing period I will not be getting any money.I need to know if you are interested so I can ask eBay to send you the details on this deal. If interested please include in your next email your contact info for eBay (full name, shipping address and phone number), so we can get the ball rolling.

Here you have few pictures with the vehicle.
מיט בערך צוואנציג בילדער פון א קאר.

שוין, האב איך גע'ענטפערט אזוי
I would like a picture of you standing next to the car. I would also like a picture of your husband's grave stone.
האט זי נאכאמאל גע'ענטפערט.
Right now I'm in a military base. We are training, getting ready for leaving the country. The delivery process will be managed by me. I think I can have it there at your home address within 2-3 working days. It will come with a clear title and reg. I am a member of the eBay buyer protection program and using this service you will get a 7 days testing period after delivery. During that 7 days testing period I will not be getting any money.I need to know if you are interested so I can ask eBay to send you the details on this deal. If interested please include in your next email your contact info for eBay (full name, shipping address and phone number), so we can get the ball rolling.

Here you have few pictures with the vehicle.
מיט דעם איז געקומען די זעלבע בילדער נאכאמאל.
האב איך צוריק געשיקט
Which picture has you? And which one has your husband's gravestone?
און זי האט נישט אויפגעגעבען און געשיקט אזוי
If you are interested email me your full name, delivery address and ph# so I can open the case with eBay. After that you will receive an invoice from them with all the necessary steps to complete this transaction.
ואען ואומר
I am interested in a picture of you with the car and your husband's gravestone.
און עודך שיקט זי מיר אן אימעיל
I don't have any pics with the car....The vehicle is already at our Military Logistic Department form Fort Belvoir, U.S. Army base crated and ready to go. The Logistic Department will deliver the vehicle to your home so the shipping is free for you. Since the vehicle is in a military base, with no access you can not go there and take it, only the Logistic Department can deliver it, because the vehicle is in their custody.Shipping may take anywhere between 2 to 3 business days depending on the destination. All the documents you need for ownership; title, manuals and the bill of sale, etc.. will be provided along with the vehicle ( title and the bill so sale will be notarized by a notary public ).You will have 7 business days for inspection. If the vehicle is not like described you will have to ship it back at the end of the 7 business days,on my expense and have your money back from eBay.

Now if you really want to buy my vehicle please send me your full name full shipping address and phone # so I can open a case with eBay.After that you will receive a invoice from eBay with all the necessary steps to complete this transaction.I have a few guys interested so I will need a prompt answer from you!
האב איך צוריק געשיקט
How about your husband's gravestone? Is that also in a military base, ready to be shipped?
און זי האט שוין ווידער נישט געכאפט און געשיקט
If you are interested email me your full name, delivery address and ph# so I can open the case with eBay...I do not have time for what you want thanks.
האב איך מחליט געווען צו גייען א שטאפעל ווייטער, און געשריבען ווי פאלגענד
Is it possible I can interest you in double glazing for your windows? It can get cold in the winter in the military and double glazing is a sure way to lower your heating bills.
Contact me ASAP to order your new windows
האט זי גע'ענטפערט
I think you do not want to understand or you do not understand the windows are very good and strong if you are interested I want the details now....I have other people interested I want an answer now
האב איך ווייטער געשריבען
And how about an exercise machine. I have lots of deals available. Rowing machines, treadmills, scythes.
What is your favorite machine? I can have it shipped to you anywhere in the galaxy.
און ענדליך האט זי געכאפט וואס איך וויל און זי האט געשריבען
my favorite car is your mother fucks so well and sucks her just as well you are a very retarded person you need a control
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance--it is the illusion of knowledge.
(Daniel J. Boorstin) דא

דער אשכול פארמאגט 28 תגובות

איר דארפט זיין א רעגיסטרירטער מעמבער און איינגעשריבן צו זען די תגובות.

רעגיסטרירן איינשרייבן