שיר השר״ים אשר לשש

הלכה ואגדה, מוסר וחסידות
באניצער אוואטאר
מי אני
הודעות: 5784
זיך רעגיסטרירט: פרייטאג אקטאבער 05, 2018 4:32 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 12391 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 8057 מאל

שליחה דורך מי אני »

דר. סוּסאנא העשעל זאגט לגבי אברהם גייגר:
Geiger was trying to defend the liberalization. Let's also just keep in mind that Geiger was an observant Jew. He observed Judaism in the way which we today would call sort of, let’s say, Modern Orthodox. He did not travel on Shabbat. He kept kosher. He fasted not only on Yom Kippur, but on Tisha B'Av and other fast days and so on. So again, we can't confuse that kind of liberalization of Judaism of the 19th century with what we see today. It's different

But he also saw what was happening around him. He saw that Jews, as they were entering European society, were going to work on Shabbat because they owned a store and they needed to, or they were going to school because they were in a public school, a state school, and had to take their exam or just simply go to class, etc. So he understood that these changes were happening and he wanted to just hold it together, hold the Jewish community together and not give people the sense that by doing this, they were simply no longer Jewish or no longer practicing Judaism

So it wasn't that he was looking for ways to justify Jews not being religious. I don't think that's what was in his mind at all. That wasn't his temperament. He was after all trained as a rabbi and practiced as one. And yes, he was concerned about prayers, about certain beliefs
זי ברענגט ארויס אז גייגר האט טאקע געמאכט א השוואה צווישן דרכו ודרך הפרושים, לשיטת ישו (לעומת שיטתו של שאול התרסי).
"איך בין אפילו נישט זיכער אז איך עקזיסטיר, ווי אזוי קען איך זיין זיכער אז...?" - יאיר
"אלס וואס איך ווייס איז אז איך ווייס גארנישט (אחוץ דעם עצם פאקט)" - סקראטוס
און אפילו אין דעם בין איך אויך נישט זיכער (וכן הלאה והלאה)