נשלח: זונטאג יוני 25, 2023 12:05 pm
איך פארשטיי נישט, ווען דו גנבעסט זייף קען מען עס אראפשלונגען, און ווען א צווייטער טוט עס צו דיר ווערט ער שוין א חזיר?
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דאבל סטענדערט...
Atheists are often portrayed as arrogant because they don’t acknowledge a higher power, but I generally found the opposite to be true. Perceiving themselves as part of nature, rather than created by God in his image, led respondents to a place of humility. The prevailing view about science (by nonscientists) is that it is neutral to morality, but I found that most individuals who relied on this narrative tended to see it as imposing a moral obligation. The science narrative gives a sense of moral urgency to what respondents felt they should do with the time they have remaining: to show love for their friends and children, to appreciate nature or art, to be engaged politically, even as they may become increasingly physically disabled