בלאט 1 פון 1

באקאנטע אידישע פיגורען און company's

נשלח: דינסטאג יולי 17, 2012 2:35 pm
דורך kliger
עס איז דא אן א שיעור באקאנטע אידישע פיגורען אויף דער וועלט און איבערהויפט אין אמעריקע
למשל דריי פון די סופרים ריכטער זענען אידען!
עס איז זייער אינטרעסאנט נעמענדיג אין באטראכט אז אידן זענען קוים 2 פראצענט אין אמעריקע!
איך האב געטראפן די ליסטע פון קאמפאניס וואס אידן זענען אינוואלווד

[left]There are many hollywood production companies that are Jewish such as Miramax and other companies the Weinstein brothers own. I have been told Ben and Jerry's Ice cream is Jewish. The CEO of Disney is Jewish (but Walt was very anti-semititc). Solomon brothers invenstments. Estee Lauder was Jewish but now that she has died I am not sure who runs the company so it may not be Jewish owned any longer.Neiman Marcus I believe is also Jewish owned. Johnson and Johnson products have been rumored to be Jewish owned but I think in reality it used to be but is not anymore. Sort of like Levi Strauss that used to be Jewish owned but is not anymore. Macys was also the same way.
Baskin and Robbins was founded by Jews but I believe that are both deceased and a board now run the company. Dream Works studios is Jewish owned (Spielberg etc). Hafagen Winery in California is Jewish owned. The Jersy City Medical Center. The Trust Company Bank. I understand Time Warner has a CEO that is Jewish but it is also run by a board etc.Viacom is Jewish owned.
Several sports teams which I suppose are businesses are Jewish owned.Fox TV, The New York Times and London Times are owned by Rupert Murdoch who is technically Jewish as he had a Jewish mother. The chairman of Yahoo is Jewish but I am not sure if he is one of the founders or not or what percentage of the company he owns. Comcast, AT&T Cable, the Wall Street Journal, Newhouse Publications, Century 21, Mountain Valley Water, The Coastline Trust Company, Albertsons, Milton Hershey was Jewish and he founded the Hershy company but it has become run but board who knows how many on the board might be Jewish, The CEO of Microsoft is Jewish and owns stock in it but how much of a percentage of the Mircrosoft he owns is unclear.Vidal Sassoon owns the Vidal Sassoon company. Qualcom was founded and I think still run by Irwin Jacobs. Michael Dell has Dell computers and the company Oracle is Jewish owned. The record lable RCA is Jewish owned. MCA and Universal is Jewish owned as well. It is my understanding that Goodyear was not founded by a Jewish person but has since been purchased by James Goldsmith. Citicorp is owned by shareholders but the CEO is Jewish. Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and Isaac Mitzrahi all are Jewish and all own their own companies. Jerry Springer is Jewish and I think he owned the production company that made his show.Peter Falk is Jewish and I belive he owned the compay that produced his Columbo series. The Stargate SG1 series was owned by Anderson Greenberg Corp (Anderson is not Jewish I don't think but Greenberg is).
The bottom line is that there are so many little companies interlinked to others and so make up part of larger companies.
The Neo-Nazi's will list things like McDonalds etc but some of that is just silly.
I think a comprehensive list would be far too extensive to list here and to be honest, with the Neo-Nazi's that come on here I am not sure I would want to.

Steven Spielberg he own$ lots if things dream works
Macy"s NY

amazing savings
Starbucks can be kosher but not Jewish
the owner of Starbucks is Jewish or a Jew .

MTV and Nickelodeon (Viacom)
Oracle Corporation
Dell, Inc.
Warner Brothers
Dreamworks SKG
Universal Studios
20th Century Fox
Columbia Pictures

Jeff Skoll, co-founder of eBay
Sun Microsystems
PayPal (before being bought by eBay)
Cisco Systems
Mirabilis and ICQ
Dunkin' Donuts
Baskin Robbins
Toys R Us
Wynn Hotels
Carnival Cruises
Neiman Marcus
Royal Carribean Cruises

Calvin Klein
Home Depot,
Kenneth Cole

Loews Corporation
Goldman Sachs
H&R Block

Charles Schwab Corp.
Progressive Insurance[/left]
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