בלאט 1 פון 1

פסכעלאגישע הילף

נשלח: מיטוואך נאוועמבער 23, 2016 10:37 pm
דורך אוי איז דאס א וועלט
Frequently, people complain to me that quality mental health care is difficult to obtain and/or really expensive. I wanted to share with you that I am currently completing my doctoral internship at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (NYPSI) and they provide excellent psychotherapy services (we are all supervised by renowned experts) and they also provide psychological/neuropsychological testing services that is really affordable. Somewhat of a disclaimer, I do not have any financial benefit from any referrals etc, however it is beneficial for me to see more clients. There website is http://www.nypsi.org/#Find_Therapy