בלאט 1 פון 1

שעטנז אלערט!

נשלח: דינסטאג יאנואר 29, 2019 8:30 pm
דורך קלוגסטער פון אייראפע
שמועות אז "בעקיטשעס פאבריצירט און פארקויפט דורך היימישע באקאנטע קלאודינג סטארס אנטהאלטן אין זיך ליינינגס געמאכט פון לינען-פלאקס.
דאס איז מחייב בדיקה.
אין טייל בעקישעס האט מען ליידער געטראפן שעטנז."

In response to queries, the recommendation is that all bekeshes should be tested for shatnez at a qualified shatnez laboratory.

This includes:
bekeshes produced by G & G and G & B, prominent Brooklyn-based bekeshes producers,
bekeshes carrying a shatnez free label from a Brooklyn Shatnez Laboratory,
and bekeshes produced in the USA.
Rabbi Yosef Sayagh, a leading shatnez expert and Director of the International Organization of Professional Shatnez Laboratories, has confirmed that bekeshes across the board, including those produced by G & B and G & G, contain canvasses with wool.

As noted in earlier communications, all kapotehs should also be tested for shatnez.

Please publicize, advertise and tell your friends and neighbors. As always your questions and comments are much appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Rabbi Moshe Bresler
Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez