בלאט 1 פון 1

שפיצלעך מיט קאראנע

נשלח: דינסטאג מאי 05, 2020 8:25 am
דורך Totallycool

I'm sorry for writing in English as I am not not so familiar with my Yiddish keyboard.

I want to bring up a conversation that I saw on Ivelt, they are saying that a a lot of women are changing to shpitzlech due to corona, and someone brought up a drusha that Reb yitzchok lebowitz gave, and he's very against it, and he's basically saying that a Shpitzel is so not good looking that you need to be a very special person, and also you need to think long and hard before changing,

I don't consider myself a frimer, but my rebitzin did put on a Shpitzel a few years ago and I was highly offended by his drusha,

I'm curious what the oilem here thinks about this,

Also I'm not aware of anyone that made a change due to corona, anyone here knows of a major change in the community ?