בלאט 1 פון 1

ספירה פארמעסט

נשלח: זונטאג אפריל 14, 2013 1:14 pm
דורך Lexus
We are making now a
ספירה פארמעסט
and the winner will be who it will give the most " like's "
as more like's you will give, you will have a bigger chance to win!!
And the winner will receive from me (and maybe also from sunbar) a like!
and we will daven for him 40 day's by the kever from the holy milk shake rabbi what is mesugal for yeshuos...
There are so many people what are thinking 10.000 times before giving a like, now in the sefira day's will we all try to work on our midos,
and even if someone did a not successfull joke, we will like him,
we will publicize the winner next week
stay tuned