בלאט 1 פון 1

קעמפ רב טוב דארף באצאלען 34 מיליאן פאר וויקטיםס..

נשלח: מאנטאג מאי 06, 2013 10:43 am
דורך ידען
ווער סע איז געווען אין די סאטמארע קעמפס איז עס זייער אינטערעסאנט.....

Napanoch NY: A New York State judge has rewarded victims and survivors from camp satmar Rav Tov 34 million dollars and has forced the camp to set up a victims fund which will also include the funds required for the therapy and rehabilitation for the camps survivors.

The long ongoing lawsuit has seen many Students who survived and lived in the camps between 1967-1999 come forward with appalling and dramatic testimony throughout the trial.

Jurors heard how survivors were deported into the camps and were forced onto yellow school buses without bathrooms or air condition on the long journey to the upstate camp.

Survivors told about their neatly packed boxes with their belongings which was carefully been packed together by loving and caring mothers with love and care was then thrown on tractor trailers and upon arriving in the camps the victims found their belongings splattered out on the entire playgrounds of the camp.

A former camp employee testified how they were instructed to spill contents of the victims boxes on the camp grounds in order to infuse extreme emotional anxiety and to destroy any amount of self respect and dignity left in the victims upon arrival.

We were forced to pass thru what we referred to the passage of death, which was a small alleyway wedged between the camp kitchen and century old bathrooms and there were huge commercial exhaust fans on both sides blowing the stenches from the kitchen and bathrooms into victims, unfortunately many never made it out alive.

Victims told he judge how they were regularly beaten by camp staff with kitchen equipment, one victim related to the jury how all. Of his belongings were once confiscated by the camp supervisor for 3 weeks due to a minor infraction and had gone for 3 weeks without changing clothes.

In dramatic detail survivors described tales of extreme boredom , as one victim said, "We resorted to take extreme measures to remain occupied, some Resorted to building temporary sheds in the depths of the forest surrounding the camp in order for our brains not to quit on us"

On one occasion survivors trekked out a path in the mountains from the camp grounds till Canada.

Painful Instances of extreme boredom were brought up by many victims who described how they as kids resorted to fighting and to the bullying of the weak and disadvantaged victims.

"There were no activities said Nuchem Friedman from Brooklyn, kids were going off their minds literally!

On occasions kids were forced to watch how camp staff circled around the camp fields in a NY state helicopter for hours on end, kids would then wake up in the middle of tgh night screaming that the nazis are invading.

Bathrooms were scarce and the ones that existed were in a badly decomposed state, a federal regulator once spotted feces as old as 49 years in a camp bathroom he described as "the bathroom of hell"

In addition to financial rewards the judge required camp officials to re establish a camp for survivors and allow them to once again go to camp but with a complete new exciting program filled with activities and fun, he advised camp officials must hire modern Jews with small yarmulkas to lead as camp counselors, he also forced camp officials to provide to each student a free helicopter ride and a trip to a water park which doesn't involve the east or Hudson River.