MMA Mixed Martial Arts
נשלח: פרייטאג אפריל 27, 2012 9:50 am
What is MMA?
MMA Stands for Mixed Martial Arts.
What is the UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship?
Originating from the full contact sport of Vale tudo in Brazil, the UFC was created in the United States in 1993 with minimal rules, and was promoted as a competition to determine the most effective marital art for unarmed combat situations.
A Mixed Martial Artist is a well-rounded, balanced fighter that could fight standing or on the ground. This blend of fighting styles and skills became known as mixed martial arts (MMA).
Even said that you must know a couple of fighting styles to be successful MMA Fighter, Each fighter has a base fighting style, Some start with a wrestling some start with BJJ Brazilian jiu-Jitsu some with boxing and some with other styles like Muay Thai, Judo, or Karate, and then they move on to learn whatever they think is needed for them to be a great MMA fighter.
What is the mixture of fighting styles that will make you a great MMA Fighter?
In my personal opinion,
First off there is no way you are going to be a MMA fighter without knowing at last some BJJ.
I think that to be a top MMA fighter is having a base in wrestling, and then having at last Black belt in BJJ and some boxing.
There is a lot of articles out there that will explain in more detail the styles and fighters I am a little short in time and the reason I decided to do this article is because I wanted to explain my “nick” Randy couture. For me being a MMA fan for about 10 years now from all fighters I have liked the most Randy couture. His attitude his style made me like him more then others.
Here a small list of my favorite fighters.
Randy couture
Tito Ortiz
Chuck Liddell
Roy nelson
Urijah Faber
Josh Koscheck
Brian Stann
Forrest Griffin
MMA Stands for Mixed Martial Arts.
What is the UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship?
Originating from the full contact sport of Vale tudo in Brazil, the UFC was created in the United States in 1993 with minimal rules, and was promoted as a competition to determine the most effective marital art for unarmed combat situations.
A Mixed Martial Artist is a well-rounded, balanced fighter that could fight standing or on the ground. This blend of fighting styles and skills became known as mixed martial arts (MMA).
Even said that you must know a couple of fighting styles to be successful MMA Fighter, Each fighter has a base fighting style, Some start with a wrestling some start with BJJ Brazilian jiu-Jitsu some with boxing and some with other styles like Muay Thai, Judo, or Karate, and then they move on to learn whatever they think is needed for them to be a great MMA fighter.
What is the mixture of fighting styles that will make you a great MMA Fighter?
In my personal opinion,
First off there is no way you are going to be a MMA fighter without knowing at last some BJJ.
I think that to be a top MMA fighter is having a base in wrestling, and then having at last Black belt in BJJ and some boxing.
There is a lot of articles out there that will explain in more detail the styles and fighters I am a little short in time and the reason I decided to do this article is because I wanted to explain my “nick” Randy couture. For me being a MMA fan for about 10 years now from all fighters I have liked the most Randy couture. His attitude his style made me like him more then others.
Here a small list of my favorite fighters.
Randy couture
Tito Ortiz
Chuck Liddell
Roy nelson
Urijah Faber
Josh Koscheck
Brian Stann
Forrest Griffin