Judaism ancient vs contemporary times

ארטיקלען און באטראכטונגען איבער דער חרדי'שער געזעלשאפט און קולטור
באניצער אוואטאר
הודעות: 3090
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מאנטאג אוגוסט 27, 2012 5:06 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 3593 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 4507 מאל

Judaism ancient vs contemporary times

שליחה דורך מאטי »

[left]In light of the awakening of the English language here on Kave Shtible I decided to write an article for the English speaking audience.Since it is not my native language please forgive me if my accent is written between the lines.
Judaism in essence right at its very beginning was designed to be a way of achieving quality of life. A life of passion,love, and magnanimity. A guide that leads its beholder into the future, while the rest of the ancient world were stuck up with such weaknesses as; idolatry, paganism, child sacrifice, uncontrolled slavery, tyranny and social inequality, along came Judaism and brought new meaning to humanity.
It brought the idea of equality, majority rules, controlled slavery & family values.
And most importantly: the idea of monotheism which fources political and religios rulers to answer to only one invisible  higher authority.
To fully grasp the entire meaning of such revolution, one must take into account that in ancient times moral inclination wasn't the norm amongst society, thus contemporary ideas such as atheism, agnosticism, would be catastrophic for a society that didn't take ethical and virtues behavior for granted, such as todays society
Judaism was in a way the enlightenment of its era, it offered unique ways and new options for its followers to flourish

To put icing on top of the cake: It also established an identity to the Jewish people. The Jews encountered pride, nationalism and common interests as a people. The phrase "And you shall be A light unto the nations" was not meant to be a mystical term, rather an example to all the nations how humanity shall flourish.

As time passed by, the nations began copying our model that prevailed so beautifully into being as a road to a better life. Democracy, economic freedom, property rights, all which its core is to be  found in the Torah was adopted by the gentiles. Philosophy, meaning of the universe, and therefore how human beings should behave in light of the very findings, such as the very first enlightenment of the Greek culture and latter the Roman culture and finally when it trickled down to the point that we famously know today as the western civilization. All may be partially credited to the Torah.

Of course it must be acknowleged that the intellectuals perfected the ideas and thinkers creates new ideas along the way on how to provide better understandings of human nature and hence succeeded to provide higher standards for humanity.

Now times as the world has narrowed the gap in respect of  rather all subjects of humankind - some of them as mentioned adopted or inspired by Judaism -there are some amongst us who put forward an idea which entirely changes the dynamics of Judaism by its definition.
They  suggest amongst others a platform of Judaism which is meant to take us a step back in human progress, to go backwards in time in respect of social development and ethics.

The term ובחוקותיהם לא תלכו
often used by such elements, which was really designed to save us from behaviors such as idolatry, child sacrifice, and blindly following human powers, is ironically used as a weapon to advance such weaknesses.
Instead of preaching family values, they actually diminish the idea of being happily married.

Instead of teaching human independency, equally under one God, they advance the notion of  elders controlling & carving our  entire way of life, granting us no decision making on how to envision the future of our family & children.

Instead of recognizing how fortunate we are that the world has come into terms of adopting  moral inclination and yet as always we should be one step ahead of the world, they rather force us  into isolation, devaluation of art,science and philosophy. The exact opposite of what Judaism was to be brought to us from the beginning of time.[/left]
רעדאגירט געווארן צום לעצט דורך 2 אום מאטי, רעדאגירט געווארן 0 מאל בסך הכל.
My enemy showed me an Olive Branch, upon closer observation it turned out to be covered in Fig Leaves

דער אשכול פארמאגט 37 תגובות

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