ביי בעני פאלאטשעק פון מאנסי:
Honorable County Executive Mr. Ed Day.
To Honorable County Executive Mr. Ed Day.
First, I would like to thank you for all the hard work you have put in to make our county a better place to some of our county residences.
I have a few questions that I would like to get your response on,
As I can see you deeply care about the taxpayers money in all of Rockland and I truly admire that, but just wondering why that passion does not carry over to the taxpayers in the East Ramapo School District?
Do you believe in the judiciary system in the United States, If you do how come you have called the aid in question A multi million dollar scam after a judge ruled on this issue, and I quote
So how is a ruling from a judge "A multi million dollar scam" ?
As one of the largest community's in Rockland we love to meet our politicians and political representatives from time to time, we usually get that opportunity at bigger events that our community often hosts, where our esteemed elected officials pay short visits to discuss issues that matter to us, I'm just curious when we will get the chance to meet you, I was sure at first that you are way too busy getting settled in your new position, but I see that you made time to visit many events all over the county, It's unclear to me why the Hasidic community does not get the chance to meet you?
Last but not least I have bumped into some comments on your Facebook page that is deeply concerning to me and to my community, I would like to know if you care to respond to those?
"Throughout Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, crafty, sly, wily, clever, without any true culture, a sponger, a middleman, a maggot, eternal blood suckers, repulsive, unscrupulous, monsters, foreign, menace, bloodthirsty, avaricious, the destroyer of Aryan humanity, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity"
I'm sure that you disagree with the use of the word "Parasites" to describe Jews, it would however be refreshing to see you stand up against those who use hatred against Jews verbal or in writing.
Thanks in advance.
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"Administrative Law Judge Joel Dulberg ordered Rockland Social Services to restart the child care payments. Dulberg ruled the students were paid student employees and did not require that their wages be subject to FICA taxes"
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There is a lot more of basically the same, I would like to remind you the last time the word Parasites were used to describe Jews.
"Throughout Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, crafty, sly, wily, clever, without any true culture, a sponger, a middleman, a maggot, eternal blood suckers, repulsive, unscrupulous, monsters, foreign, menace, bloodthirsty, avaricious, the destroyer of Aryan humanity, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity..."
I Truly Hope that you will speak out against those who use terms that were used by Hitler to inflame the masses against the Jews in Germany, And I'm sure that you dont want to take part although I'm sure unknowingly in spreading anti-antisemitism.
Thanks in advance.[/left]