מר. עד דעי, שטעל אפ די העצע און ראקלענד. (סיין די פעטיציע)

היימיש, לאקאל, און איבער דער וועלט
באניצער אוואטאר
איש צדיק תמים
ידיד השטיבל
ידיד השטיבל
הודעות: 152
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג יוני 02, 2013 1:49 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 62 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 174 מאל

מר. עד דעי, שטעל אפ די העצע און ראקלענד. (סיין די פעטיציע)

שליחה דורך איש צדיק תמים »

ארטיקל (ביז די פעטיציע) גענימען פון זשעי פי אפדעיטס.קאם

It is 2015, and in a County just miles away of New York City, a Republican, yes, a Republican is treating his
constituents – Hasidic residents in Rockland County as second class citizens, just because.

Just because he was elected as County Executive; just because he has an unfiltered Facebook page; just because it is popular to bash the black hats; and just because he is being called out on his actions.

Rockland County Executive Ed Day may not have been, and now understandably, the first choice of the growing Hasidic community mainly residing in Spring Valley and the outskirts of Monsey. But once elected he ought to serve all residents, no matter color or race, with the same dedication and empathy for the benefit of all.

That has not been the case for Mr. Day and his ardent supporters. From day one, he has used his role as a bully pulpit to rant against the Hasidic community, calling out every misstep, every comment and every move that wasn’t equaling to his way of life.

Just recently, he found the right match of words to denounce a controversial video surfing online that drew a parallel between a hateful Facebook page and Nazi Germany, but he didn’t find it right to condemn the anti-Semitic posts, comments made on that page, that is managed, happens to be, by a county employee.

Just yesterday, as Jewish families spend the day outdoors, Day found it very important to share a photo of a family standing around and their child sitting on our 9/11 Memorial in Haverstraw Bay Park, just because it “has been brought to my attention.”

But here is the thing: notwithstanding the facts in some cases, the disturbing pictures or the controversial video; Ed Day somehow is always out there, prejudging facts, and speaking out on the matter. In almost every public statement somehow the Hasidic Jew is always involved, but for the negative.

While some may suggest Mr. Day is just an anti-Semite, we find it difficult to to use this harsh term on a man that we hardly know. But what we can presume is that Mr. Day is infected with a incurable disease of hate. He just happens to hate the Orthodox Jewish community, it just irritates him and it drives him crazy day in day out.

All we suggest is, Mr Day: Hands off the Hasidic community!

Find yourself some other source of activity that could direct your disease of hate toward something else, something that would not ignite antisemitism; something would not prejudice an entire community and hold them back from striving and living in harmony with their neighbors.

And a word or two to the New York Republican Party: Ed Day is a member of your party. Ed Day is an elected official on behalf of your proxies. Before you worry so much about a nuclear Iran or President Obama’s attitude toward the Prime Minister of Israel, take a look at what’s happening in your backyard. All of your outreach doesn’t matter, if a member of your party, in your state, is treating Jews with an attitude of hate. You also have elections to run, if its for federal or statewide office. Remember, ‘For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place,’ but your party’s success will perish and your power to influence will be diminished

סיין די דרך ארץ׳דיגע בקשה צו די טשעירמאן פון די ריפאבליקאנער פארטיי און ניו יארק מר. עד קאקס, ער זאל אינטערווינען אז מר. דעי זאל אפשטעלן זיין העצע קעגן דעם ארטאדאקסישער געמיינדע און ראקלענד.

https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Ne ... n/?wwLLnjb

דער אשכול פארמאגט 69 תגובות

איר דארפט זיין א רעגיסטרירטער מעמבער און איינגעשריבן צו זען די תגובות.

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