בלאט 1 פון 1

Stuck between words and a hard place

נשלח: דאנערשטאג אפריל 23, 2015 12:06 am
דורך רויטע וואנצעס
[left]Stuck between words and a hard place

Stuck between joy and life's daze

As I explore and question

As I get confused by perception

I mix the happy with the sorrow

I live for the moment not tomorrow

Hanging on while going around

Where is this journey bound

Deception, glamour and myth

As new moments give birth

Is death the start of the end

Is it me or time that's bent

No answers just limited conclusion

No reality just illusion

See you on the other side

On a journey deep and wide

waiting for you at the edge of the black hole

Don't forget your sneakers and your soul.